Carbon Offset Program:

Carbon Sequestration for Kilometres               

Offset your carbon footprint with a donation to the Whole Village project!

Humans add large amounts of carbon to the atmosphere as we live and travel. This project is a great way to offset your damage and make a difference. Fortunately, Whole Village has a program to allow people to offset carbon produced when traveling by car or plane.   Monies collected will be used for carbon offset or sequestration projects at our ecovillage community including tree planting, biochar (infrastructure, burns, education, burying), energy efficiency and generation, and education regarding regenerative agriculture and holistic livestock management.


We plant lots of trees!

At this point in time we have planted more than 29,000 trees on our farm which is one of the ways we sequester carbon.  We’ve also started a Biochar project – this looks after the end of the tree life.


Why Biochar?

Trees that are planted and cared for are good at sequestering carbon. Adding biochar makes planting trees an even more efficient solution. In order to be a good carbon offset, trees must be maintained so that they might live at least 40 years. Once a tree dies, it decomposes and releases some of its CO2 into the atmosphere again. If a tree lives to be 200 years old, it holds the CO2 longer, but it still is released when the tree dies although it’s decomposition still contributes hugely to the ecosystem. This key project includes converting trees to biochar once they’ve reached the end of their life.  Biochar sequesters the carbon in the ground for tens of thousands of years. Former residents Barbara and Milton Wallace spearheaded this initiative and we have regular burns in our “Kontiki” kiln. Being able to offer biochar sequestration makes Whole Village an excellent choice compared to most other services offering carbon offset programs. It is also our goal to create an education program at our farm to inform others about the benefits of biochar creation and use.

Suggested rates

Car travel – $0.01 to $0.02 per kilometer
Air travel  – $0.02 to $0.04 per air kilometre.

The higher number is closer to the real cost. Use your own judgement and pocketbook to calculate your offsetting donation. Use this website for an easy way to calculate your air travel kilometres:

People may also decide to donate to our program based on the fact that their mere existence and lifestyle on this planet creates carbon. Some may eat vegan and/or drive electric cars to reduce our burden but we all might consider donating extra to offset our life and its carbon footprint. The average Canadian drives about 16,000 kilometers per year (that’s 1.3 million kilometers in their lifetime!). To offset one year of average car use, that would amount to a donation of $160 to $320.

It’s easy to contribute – just use the “DONATE” button below for donations to this carbon offsetting program . We’ll use your money well to help reverse Climate Change.